
The warpcs.org Terms of Service and Privacy Policy apply and form part of this document.

Additional Terms and Conditions

Last updated: 2025-03-09.

B3. Mail Hosting

a. You agree not to use Our Mail Hosting Service ("Mail", "Mail Spaces") for any of the following:

  1. sending spam, dangerous or malicious content, or unsolicited advertisements
  2. harassment or threats against a person or organization
  3. mass data storage

B4. General-Purpose Hosting

a. You agree not to use Our General-Purpose Hosting Service ("Host Instances") for any of the following:

  1. attacks on Our infrastructure or infrastructure of others (DoS attacks, hacking attempts, etc)
  2. purposes which could cause significant stress on Our servers or infrastructure (for example cryptocurrency mining)
  3. publishing or supporting illegal content, such as by hosting applications serving malicious software and documents
  4. supporting any kinds of illicit online activities, for example hosting C2 servers or malware infrastructure
  5. hosting websites facilitating the exchange of illegal or illegally obtained material, content, documents, intellectual property, or physical goods
  6. hosting services that provide service to other entities or generate a significant amount of abuse reports

b. You are responsible for content hosted on Host Instances owned by You.

B5. TLS Certificates

a. TLS Certificates are requested from the Let's Encrypt Certificate Authority with the help of Our servers on Your behalf. Please see their legal resources for more information.

B6. Domains

a. You agree not to use Our Domain Hosting Service or Tor Hidden Service Hosting Service for any of the following:

  1. supporting illicit activities as described in §B4a

Additional Privacy Information

B3. Mail Hosting

Your emails and email account information are stored on Our servers with protections against unauthorized access. We will never read the content of Your emails. We may read certain metadata, such as the servers email was received from and sent to, for diagnostic purposes and resolving problems with the mail service. If you delete a mail account, all data linked to the account is deleted immediately and permanently.

B4. General-Purpose Hosting

Data of Host Instances is stored on Our servers and protected against unauthorized access. If a Host Instance is deleted, due to the subscription ending, all data of the instance is deleted immediately and permanently.